Traveling? Request an Absentee Ballot for the January Special Election

Snow birds, college students, and travelers, this message is for you:

Our Special Election is January 23, 2018. 

If you are going to be away during the election but would still like to vote, you can request an absentee ballot. Simply provide the first and last days you plan to receive mail at this address, and we will send your ballot to this address between those dates. The post office will not forward your ballot from your home address, so it is important we have the address where you'll be during the election.

If you have an Oregon Driver's License/ID this information can be updated online using the Oregon Secretary of State’s My Vote webpage. Otherwise, please complete and sign the Oregon Secretary of State's Absentee form SEL 111 and return it to our office by mail, fax, or drop off.

If you are a Military or an Overseas Voter please visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) webpage.

News Release Issued: November 3, 2017