2024 Fall Fuel Reduction Grant Program

Home with defensible space from fire image

Funding Guidelines

Deschutes County has allocated $125,000 for Fall of 2024 to fund fuel reduction projects to reduce wildfire risk in Deschutes County communities. Preference will be given to communities or neighborhoods that are working to be recognized as a Firewise USA ™ site or are currently recognized as a Firewise USA ™ site and are proposing projects consistent with their Firewise action plan and community assessment.  


Fuel Reduction grants are intended to assist communities with specific, short-term projects or activities related to reducing fuels and improving defensible space in Deschutes County.  A wide range of activities may be eligible for funding, including, but not limited to, equipment rental, supplies needed for community work parties, contracting out roadside chipping, fuel reduction or defensible space, and debris disposal fees. Deschutes County discourages requests for regular annual maintenance (i.e. pine needle raking and removal) and ongoing operational funding that cannot be sustained beyond the grant period.


Applicants for Fuel Reduction grants must be working at a neighborhood or community scale (not individual properties) to reduce wildfire risks.  Activities should result in reduction of wildland fuels and/or improvement of defensible space around structures.  


The amount of funding available for projects in the current fiscal year (through June 30, 2025) is $125,000.  There are no established minimum or maximum amounts for grant requests, however awards are anticipated to range between $100 and $5,000 and actual award amounts will be dependent on demand. 


Applicants must complete and submit one copy of the electronic form.  The most competitive applications will contribute some matching resources toward the project budget, either in cash, volunteer time or in goods and services; however, a match is not specifically required. Applicants are expected to provide a tax ID number with their application. If your community does not have a tax ID number a fiscal sponsor with a tax ID will be required.


The first round of applications will be accepted until September 30th, 2024, and will be reviewed shortly thereafter.  A site visit may be conducted as part of the review.  Applicants will be notified of results by Early October. Projects and reporting needs to be completed prior to June 30th, 2025.  Applications received after September 30th may be considered depending on available funding. 


Upon receipt, Deschutes County staff will screen applications for completeness and several ranking factors.  Incomplete applications may be returned to the applicant with a request for additional information.  Factors that will be considered during the review process include, but may not limited to, whether the neighborhood or community is a recognized Firewise USA™ site or is working to become one, whether the proposed project is consistent with the Firewise USA™ action plan and community assessment, the number and/or size of properties that are anticipated to participate in the project, whether the project is focused on defensible space within 100’ of structures, and matching resources (cash or in-kind) provided to accomplish the project, whether the neighborhood or community has received funding in the last fiscal cycle. 


All applicants will be notified of the funding decision. At that time, successful applicants will receive instructions describing how to receive the grant award.  Applicants are expected to provide a tax ID number with their application. If your community does not have a tax ID number a fiscal sponsor with a tax ID will be required.

Post-Award Requirements

Acknowledgment of Funding:
If any public recognition is made related to the purpose for which the grant was received, such as in media announcements, marketing materials, advertising, or information campaigns, grant recipients must acknowledge support from the Deschutes County Fuel Reduction Grant Program.

Final Report:
Recipients will be required to submit a brief written report upon completion of the grant funded project or activity that summarizes results and certifies that grant funds were used as intended.  Proof of expenses is required. To comply with restrictions on the use of public funds, recipients may be asked to furnish financial and accounting information for audit purposes. The report is due by June 30, 2025.

Grant recipients who do not comply with award requirements established by Deschutes County may be subject to repaying funds received and may become ineligible for future funding consideration.

For additional information about the Deschutes County Fuel Reduction Grant Program, please contact,
Kevin Moriarty, County Forester at 541-322-7117 or forester@deschutes.org

Fill out the Application Electronic Form