Programs and Services
Department | Summary | Contact | |
Inspections | Community Development |
Inspections can be scheduled online through Oregon State’s E-Permitting website or the E-Permitting App, which can be found in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store by searching for “Oregon ePermitting.” Alternatively, inspections can be scheduled by Phone, but may take longer due to our high volume of calls. |
Visit our Bend Office To contact us click on the link below. |
Inspections | Community Development |
What do I do after my permit is issued?After a permit issues, follow the next steps to ensure you are on track with the permit process. |
Visit our Bend Office To contact us click on the link below. |
Inspections | Community Development |
Steps for downloading your approved plans |
Visit our Bend Office To contact us click on the link below. |
Inspections | Community Development |
Contacting StaffUse the Contact CDD online form to ask the Planner of the Day general questions about your property, zoning or land use in rural Deschutes County. Alternatively, you can also contact the Planner of the Day via email or phone ( / 541-388-6560). |
Visit our Bend Office To contact us click on the link below. |
Inspections | Community Development |
The Work Plan and Annual Report highlight the department’s accomplishments, goals and objectives.
Visit our Bend Office To contact us click on the link below. |
Manufactured Structure Transactions | Assessor's Office |
How to perform certain transactions with Manufactured Structures also known as Manufactured Homes. |
HOURS: General Email -... |
Noxious Weed Program | Road |
The problem of noxious, non-native weeds proliferating in Central Oregon is severe. |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Pay Property Taxes | Finance |
Options for paying your property taxes. |
(541) 388-6540 Phone |
Property Records/Recordings | Clerk's Office |
The County Clerk's Office records documents that affect title to real property located in Deschutes County. |
Recording/Marriages/Passports |
Property Tax Appeals | Clerk's Office |
In Oregon, property taxes are assessed against real property, machinery and equipment, manufactured structures, business personal property and floating property. |
Recording/Marriages/Passports |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
To access the Virtual Open House in English, click here Para ver esta página en español, por favor haga, clic aquí |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
Transportation system development charges (SDC) are a one-time assessment placed on land developments that will generate traffic on the County road system. SDCs are used to fund road improvement projects as determined by the County’s SDC methodology detailed in the County Transportation System Plan and Board of County Commissioner’s Resolution No. 2024-038. |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
Please use the links on the menu to the left for more information. |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 368.326 to 368.366 provide the legal procedure for Oregon counties to vacate public roads, public property, or other public property interest under their jurisdiction. Vacation of public road rights-of-way or appurtenant public easements (i.e., slope easements) under Deschutes County jurisdiction are administered by the Deschutes County Road Department. Generally, the procedure is used to vacate public road rights-of-way that are no longer required for public use upon request from one or more abutting or underlying property owners. |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
Deschutes County Road Department, in cooperation with Deschutes County Community Development Department and other local partner organizations, participates in transportation planning efforts across the entire County public transportation network. Please use the links on the menu to the left for more information. Federal Partner Agency Links |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
The roads in Deschutes County are maintained with funds from state motor vehicle revenue (gas tax, vehicle registration, and truck tax) and federal forest receipts from timber sales in the Deschutes National Forest. |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Road & Bridge Maintenance | Road |
Deschutes County Road Department is actively working with local, state and federal agency partners on the delivery of multi-jurisdictional transportation improvement projects. For information regarding these projects, please select from the partner agency project links below: |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |
Septic Systems/Inspections/Onsite Systems | Community Development |
We have moved instructions on applying for onsite permits via the link below. This page will be taken down in a month on March 31st, please update your bookmarks.
Visit our Bend Office To contact us click on the link below. |
Surveyor's Office | Road |
Deschutes County Surveyor Services and Resources. |
(541) 388-6581 Phone |