Media Release - Adjust Irrigation Systems to Prevent Overspray

Media Release - Adjust Irrigation Systems to Prevent Overspray

Release Date: 10/23/2015

Although fall is here, many people are still running their sprinklers. With the onset of freezing nighttime temperatures, it’s a good idea to make sure sprinklers aren’t set to spray onto nearby streets and sidewalks.

Freezing temperatures can quickly turn irrigation overspray into icy hazards for pedestrians and cyclists. The Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee encourages residents and business owners to adjust irrigation systems to prevent hazardous walking and biking conditions.

Over the years, icy sidewalks and streets have caused accidents for both cyclists and pedestrians. While incidents like these are not common, they are preventable.

The Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is a County-appointed committee that works to promote and encourage safe bicycling and walking as a significant means of transportation Deschutes County.

For more information, please call the Deschutes County Community Development Department at (541) 330-4620.

News Release Issued: October 23, 2015