Media Release - County Offers Free Hepatitis C Testing

Media Release - County Offers Free Hepatitis C Testing

Release Date: 10/28/15

Deschutes County is offering free Hepatitis C testing on Friday, Oct. 30.

Walk-in testing will take place in Bend, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Deschutes County Health Services Building, located at 2577 NE Courtney Dr. and in Redmond, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Becky Johnson Center, located at 412 SW 8th St. while supplies last.  Anyone who meets one or more of the risk factors listed below will qualify for free testing:

Who should get tested?
People who:

  • Were born between 1945 and 1965.
  • Received donated blood or organs before 1992.
  • Have ever injected drugs.
  • Have chronic liver disease or HIV.
  • Have been exposed to blood from a person who has Hepatitis C.
  • Were born to a mother with Hepatitis C.

Who could consider getting tested?
People who:

  • Have used cocaine and other non-injecting drugs.
  • Have a history of unlicensed tattooing or body piercing.
  • Have a history of multiple sex partners or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Have long-term, steady, sex partners with Hepatitis C.

According to the CDC, more than 4 million Americans are living with chronic hepatitis, but most do not know they are infected. Many people live with chronic hepatitis for decades without symptoms of feeling sick. Treatments are available that can cure this disease so it’s important to know your status.

News Release Issued: October 28, 2015