Solid Waste Audits

The Department of Solid Waste manages the solid waste system in Deschutes County. The department’s primary function is to manage the total system for efficiency, cost control, and conformance to regulatory requirements. Solid Waste’s programs include:
- LANDFILL OPERATIONS: Knott Landfill in Bend provides disposal for all solid waste generated in the County. The Landfill is expected to reach capacity in 2029.
- TRANSFER OPERATIONS: Waste is received from generators at a series of transfer stations located at Knott Landfill and near the communities of Redmond, Sisters, La Pine, and Alfalfa. Waste is transported from the transfer stations to Knott Landfill in Bend for disposal.
- FRANCHISED COLLECTIONS: Collection of waste and recyclables from unincorporated Deschutes County is performed by private companies that are regulated under the County’s franchise ordinance.
- RECYCLING SERVICES: Recyclables are collected curbside in cities and densely populated areas of the County by the franchised collectors. Residents may also deposit recyclables at the transfer stations and recycling depots. State law dictates required recycling efforts.
- SYSTEM FINANCING AND ADMINISTRATION: The Solid Waste Department conducts long-range planning, system financing through tip fees, regulation of franchised collection, and ensures compliance with facility permit requirements and all state and federal regulations associated with solid waste management.
Audit Reports
Personal Information Data Privacy (Final 2-14-23)
Solid Waste Department - Controls Over Revenue (Final 1-8-18)
Reconciliation of Solid Waste Accounting System (Final 8-27-14)
Environmental Center Grant Monies (12-13-11)
Payment Card Security (Final 2-10-10)
Solid Waste Department - Evaluation of Internal Controls Over Service Fees (Final 8-26-03)