Local Public Safety Coordinating Council
The Deschutes County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) is a product of the 1977 Oregon Community Corrections Act. This landmark legislation is based on the underlying principle that local communities can better manage community-based correctional programs and more effectively supervise the offenders in their community. Oregon Revised Statute 423.560 calls for the creation and duties of local public safety coordinating councils, which are to help facilitate the planning for community corrections services and to keep local Boards of County Commissioners advised of the work being done.
LPSCC is comprised of citizen members, criminal and juvenile justice officials, law enforcement officers, elected city and County officials, and relevant public services professionals.
LPSCC generally meets on the first Tuesday of the month via Zoom virtual meetings platform. All meetings are open to the public. For upcoming meeting information, including agendas as they become available, click here to visit the Public Meetings Portal. Approved meeting minutes and video recordings may be found under the "past meetings" tab.