Fitness and Wellness Rooms

There are currently two wellness/fitness rooms available for employee use.
Downtown Wellness/Fitness Room:
Located around the corner from the Wellness Office, in the same building as the DOC Pharmacy and Clinic at 1340 NW Wall Street.
This space is open during regular building hours, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The space is also used for exercise and nutrition classes.
Juvenile Building Wellness/Fitness Room:
Juvenile Building 1 (Dennis Maloney Community Justice Center)
63360 NW Britta Street; first floor entrance on south side of building.
This space is open all hours.
A liability waiver must be signed before you are allowed access to any of the wellness/fitness rooms and any equipment available in them.
An electronic form has been provided for you to carefully read and sign. Be sure to have your employee number handy.
If you prefer a paper form, they can be found at the wellness rooms themselves. You can return your completed paper waiver to the Wellness Office. If you are using the Juvenile Building fitness room the waiver can be found in the room itself, please place signed waiver in designated folder.

Lockers / cubby space
Shower (Downtown only)
TV and DVD player
Dumbbells 5-30#
Jump ropes
Foam rollers
Resistance bands
Yoga balls
Yoga mats
Weight bench
Power Tower (Downtown only)
Anyone enrolled in the County Employee Benefits Plan, including employees (and their dependents) of Deschutes county or COIC, retirees, and people enrolled in COBRA coverage may use the Deschutes Onsite Clinic (DOC), DOC Pharmacy, and Well Connect. The clinic practitioners will see adults and children ages two years and older.
DOC services are not available to the general public.Please visit the Deschutes County Health Services department for services offered to the public.