County to modify speed limits in Deschutes River Woods

DRW Speed Map

In the coming weeks, the Deschutes County Road Department will be modifying speed limits on many paved local roads in Deschutes River Woods from 35 mph to 25 mph. 

State statute establishes a 25 mph speed limit for residence districts and after years of development, many roads in Deschutes River Woods now satisfy the statutory definition of a residence district.  Additionally, the Road Department has received feedback and citizen requests regarding speed limit concerns due to additional walking and biking activity in the neighborhood. 

The speed limit changes will be implemented on all low volume paved local roads.  Higher volume collector roads, such as Baker Road, Cinder Butte Road, Cheyenne Road, Navajo Road, Minnetonka Lane, Kiowa Road and portions of Riverwoods Drive, will retain their existing 35 mph speed limit. 

Gravel roads in Deschutes River Woods do not have speed limits and are governed by the Basic Rule per state statute. 

For additional information, please contact Chris Doty, Director, Deschutes County Road Department (541) 322-7105.

News Release Issued: October 8, 2021