Powell Butte Highway/Butler Market Road Roundabout Project

Construction of the Powell Butte Highway/Butler Market Road Roundabout project is currently underway. Construction is expected to be complete in September 2024.
The project Concept Plan is available under “Supporting Documents” below.
Questions and comments regarding the project and concept plan can be submitted using the “Questions and Comments” feature below.
Powell Butte Highway is a north-south arterial roadway connecting the area east of Bend to US 20, Crook County and the community of Powell Butte. Powell Butte Highway currently serves an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of approximately 6,500 vehicles per day. Butler Market Rd is an east-west arterial roadway connecting the area east of Bend to Deschutes Market Rd and Hamehook Rd with an average daily traffic volume of approximately 3,700 vehicles per day. The intersection is situated adjacent to the main entrance to the Bend Municipal Airport. The intersection of Powell Butte Highway and Butler Market Rd is presently a three-legged intersection with stop sign control on the eastbound approach only.
The Powell Butte Highway/Butler Market Road Roundabout project is identified in the County’s 2020-2040 Transportation System Plan as a high-priority project.
The Project scope includes:
- Constructing a single-lane roundabout.
- Installing illumination.
- Installing new signs, striping and delineation.
The current estimated project cost is $2.7 million
Anticipated project schedule:
- Preliminary Engineering: April 2022 – December 2023
- Right-of-Way January 2023 - December 2023
- Construction: April 2023 – September 2024