NW Lower Bridge Way / 43rd Street Intersection Improvement Project

NW Lower Bridge Way / 43rd St Intersection Improvement Project


 Members of the public shared their input on the alternative designs in Spring 2024. The Roundabout concept was selected as the preferred alternative. The Virtual Open House has closed, but the Virtual Open House materials are available to view  at: www.deschutes.org/LBW_43rd 

The preferred concept (Roundabout concept) has been advanced to design. The Phase 2 Alternatives Analysis memorandum for the roundabout is available in the “Supporting Documents” below.

The next steps in the Project development are as follows:

  • Conduct environmental assessment and obtain necessary clearances for right-of-way acquisition


NW Lower Bridge Way is an east-west rural collector connecting the area west of Terrebonne to US 97. NW 43rd Street is a major collector and serves as the primary access route for more than 5,000 residents of Crooked River Ranch. NW 43rd Street intersects NW Lower Bridge Way at a three-legged intersection with stop sign control on the north leg only, where there has been a history of crashes. The intersection is a primary node for both recreational and residential traffic, and is bisected by the Sisters to Smith Rock Scenic Bikeway.

The NW Lower Bridge Way/NW 43rd St Intersection Improvement project is identified in the County’s 2020-2040 Transportation System Plan as a high-priority project.


The Project scope includes:

  • Conducting a safety and capacity analysis at the intersection of NW Lower Bridge Way / NW 43rd Street
  • Revising intersection geometry to improve safety for vehicular and bicycle traffic
  • Installing new pavement markings and signage


The current estimated project cost is $2.8 million

Anticipated project schedule:

  • Preliminary Engineering:     July 2023 – December 2024
  • Right-of-Way:                         June 2024 - December 2025
  • Construction:                         January 2026 – September 2026

Current project exhibits are available under “Supporting Documents” below.