Pavement Preservation

Pavement Preservation Summary
Pavements are widely regarded as the most valuable capital asset in a local agency’s repertoire. Pavement Preservation is a critical component to an effective capital asset maintenance plan.
Many would think that pavements should be maintained using a “worst-first” methodology, where the worst roads are prioritized for maintenance. Research, pavement performance data and economic analysis indicates that this is not an efficient way of managing pavement assets. Instead, proactive pavement maintenance and preservation can prolong the life of existing pavements in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.
Deschutes County Road Department has an annual Pavement Preservation program which includes Chip Seal, Slurry Seal and Asphalt Paving on various Arterial, Collector and Local roadways within the Department’s maintenance jurisdiction. The Department performs chip seals using County labor forces, while slurry seal and most asphalt paving work is contracted.
Most knowledgeable pavement managers recognize the importance of Keeping Good Roads Good. Deschutes County Road Department is no exception!