Labor Contracts


Represented employees are Deschutes County personnel working in classifications governed by one of the County's six bargaining units. Represented groups include:

  • 9-1-1 EA - Deschutes 9-1-1 Employees Association
  • 9-1-1 EA - Deschutes 9-1-1 Employees Association (9-1-1 Supervisors)
  • AFSCME - The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3997
  • DCDAA - Deschutes County District Attorney's Association
  • DCSEA - Deschutes County Sheriff Employees Association
  • FOPPO - The Federation of Oregon Parole & Probation Officers
  • IUOE, Local 701 - International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 701

Contract  Information

Holidays, leave, accrual, insurance, salary adjustments and other terms of employment and benefit options may vary depending on each association's bargaining agreement. To view the provisions of each bargaining association contract, please click its link below under Supporting Documents.