247-22-000353-PA and 247-22-000354-ZC; Marken Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change

location of 353-PA

Proposal Summary

The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property from Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use – Tumalo-Redmond-Bend subzone (EFU-TRB) to Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA10).


The proposal includes 2 properties:

  1. 21495 Bear Creek Road, tax lot 201 on Assessor map 18-12-02
  2. 21493 Bear Creek Road, tax lot 203 on Assessor map 18-12-02.

Proposal Status

​​​​​​​The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held a public hearing on January 18, 2023. The BOCC then conducted deliberations on March 1, 2023 and voted to approve the subject applications. First reading of Ordinance 2023-007 was held on April 12, 2023, and the second reading was held on April 26, 2023. The signed Ordinance can be found under the “Decisions, Memos, Orders & Staff Reports” section below. The decision was appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on June 20, 2023. 

Staff Contact

Audrey Stuart, Associate Planner
(541) 388-6679