Onsite System Maintenance


Maintaining your onsite wastewater treatment system is vital to the health of your onsite system, which will decrease the likelihood of costly repairs and help prevent water quality hazards. The (4) basic guidelines for onsite system maintenance are:

  1. Inspect and pump regularly
  2. Be water efficient
  3. Practice proper waste disposal
  4. Take care of your Drainfield

Check out the SepticSmart Homeowner’s Guide for more detailed information about taking care of your onsite system.

A full septic tank may not immediately fail. However, a full septic tank can no longer protect the drainfield from solid waste. Continued neglect will result in failure of the drainfield and may cause the need for early replacement. In some cases, replacement of the drainfield may not be possible due to site limitations and alternative treatment will be necessary.


Sand Filter, Pressure Distribution, and Alternative Treatment Technology (ATT) System Operation & Maintenance Requirements

In Oregon, any sand filter or pressure distribution system permitted on or after January 2, 2014, and all ATT systems are required to be maintained by a certified maintenance provider. Owners of these systems must hold a service contract with a DEQ certified maintenance provider at all times. Additionally, maintenance providers for ATT systems must be certified by the manufacturer.

Your maintenance provider will provide Deschutes County a copy of your current service contract, an annual inspection report, and the required annual report evaluation fee on your behalf. However, it is ultimately up to the property owner to assure the onsite wastewater system is properly maintained and the operation and maintenance requirements are met.

Owners of sand filter and pressure distribution systems permitted prior to January 2, 2014, need to be maintained properly in order to avoid costly repairs and replacement. Deschutes County recommends hiring a professional maintenance provider and following Sand Filter and Pressure Distribution Maintenance tips.

DEQ Certified Maintenance Providers serving Deschutes County

  Main Beam Septic Specialist  Tewalt & Sons Excavation

The Tank Doctor


(541) 419-2537 or (541) 419-6650 

(541) 549-1472

(541) 318-6252



SOS Maintenance Central Oregon Sanitation


(541) 640-6244 (541) 536-2517