Cleaning and Handwashing Resources for Childcare Facilities and Schools

The resources on this page include cleaning and handwashing information for childcare facilities and schools, including resources for staff and children.

CDC handwashing

Click here to download the PDF version of "Handwashing: At Home, at Play, and Out and About"

This poster from CDC provides information on how handwashing works to keep you healthy, the proper way to wash your hands, when you should wash your hands, and what type of soap to use. This poster might be most useful for staff and for older children in schools to encourage handwashing.

Kids wash your hands

Click here to download the PDF version of "Kids Wash Your Hands"

This poster from CDC shows all of the steps to properly washing your hands using pictures. This poster might be most useful for younger children in schools and childcare facilities to encourage handwashing.

One trillion germs

Click here to download the PDF version of "One Trillion Germs" Poster

This poster from CDC can be used in or near restrooms to encourage children in schools and childcare facilities to wash their hands after using the restroom.

Bleach solutions for childcare facilities

Click here to download the PDF version of the Bleach Cleaning Solutions for Childcare Facilities fact sheet

This fact sheet includes information on how to identify what type of bleach is at your facility, and how to clean, mix bleach solution, and sanitize surfaces using a bleach solution. It also provides a table of how to mix bleach solutions for different levels of cleaning (e.g., sanitizing, disinfecting, an special clean-up of vomit and diarrhea).

Bleach cleaning and sanitizing

Click here to download the PDF version of "Cleaning and Sanitizing: How are they done?" fact sheet

This fact sheet includes general information about the difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. It provides mixing instructions for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting different surfaces commonly found in childcare facilities.

Cleaning sanitizing and disinfecting for childcare facilities

Click here to download the PDF version of "Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfection Frequency Table"

This fact sheet includes definitions of cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting and how often items and surfaces commonly found in childcare facilities (e.g., food preparation surfaces, eating utensils, tables and highchair trays) should be cleaned and sanitized.

Infection prevention and you - childcare facilities

Click here to download the PDF version of the "Infection Prevention and You" fact sheet

This fact sheet is designed to provide general information about infection prevention in childcare facilities. It includes an overview of infection prevention principles, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting, and food safety specific to childcare facilities.

Cleaning vomit and diarrhea

Click here to download the PDF version of the "Cleaning up Vomit and Diarrhea" fact sheet

This fact sheet includes information on cleaning up vomit and diarrhea. It includes information on precautions to protect yourself, including use of personal protective equipment and careful handling of contaminated materials. It also includes a general overview of how to clean up vomit and diarrhea on specific types of surfaces like bed linens, carpets, and furniture.