Harm Reduction Program

 The Harm Reduction/Syringe Exchange events provide free services to people 18 years and older

Services are offered at the following times/places:  

from 9:00-11:00 am

                                              REDMOND at the DESCHUTES COUNTY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH BUILDING                                                           (406 W. Antler Ave.) from 2:00-4:00 pm

 Every Other Wednesdays SISTERS at 100 yards West of the Intersection of HWY 20 and NF 100 

from 12:00-4:00 pm 

LA PINE  52460 Skidgel Rd. La Pine, OR 97739
from 2:00-4:00 pm

Fridays: REDMOND at the end of E. Antler Road where the road meets the gravel, passing H.D. Fowler Waterworks Irrigation Company from 9:00-11:00 am 

Available Supplies and Services

Syringe exchange
HRP provides sterile syringes and collects and safely disposes of used syringes to decrease the chance of infection through re-used and/or shared needles.

Additional supplies
HRP also offers safer smoking supplies, new tourniquets, cottons/filters, cookers, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, sterile water, and sharps containers and overdose prevention and response supplies, including naloxone and fentanyl testing strips.

HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis C testing
The partnering public health team offers FREE finger-poke testing for syphilis, HIV and Hepatitis C testing with results available in 20 minutes. HIV testing is recommended every 3 months and Hepatitis C testing every 6 months for syringe exchange participants who share needles or injection supplies, have sex with partners who inject drugs, or have sex without using condoms. No insurance required. See link here for the testing van calendar with all testing outreach dates, times and locations.

Education and referrals
The Harm Reduction Program has resources and information available regarding infection and injury reduction, overdose prevention,  substance use treatment, medical care, mental health services and more. HRP partners with the Mosaic Medical Van at many for participants to access and receive care as needed.

Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, tetanus, flu and other vaccines
We provide periodic FREE vaccine clinics to prevent diseases that are linked to injection drug use and associated risky behaviors. 

Volunteer with the Harm Reduction Program

The Harm Reduction Program is currently accepting volunteers. Please access the application here and we will get back to you soon. 

Naloxone Program

We distribute FREE  injectable naloxone or nasal Narcan for opioid overdose reversal to participants at high risk for having or witnessing an overdose. Please attend one of the events listed above access. 

Nasal Narcan is now available over the counter! You can find an Oregon pharmacy HERE

Video links for how to use Narcan (naloxone)

Nasal Narcan in English and Español

Injectable naloxone in English and Español

If you are from an organization looking to access opioid overdose reversal tools and training please contact : Leslie Corless (Leslie.Corless@deschutes.org) Harm Reduction Program Coordinator

Report an overdose response! If you used naloxone to reverse an overdose in Central Oregon please give us an anonymous report here!


Harm Reduction Works Meeting

Harm Reduction Works is a harm reduction based alternative to abstinence only self-help/mutual aid groups. This group is for anyone curious about harm reduction and how it works, regardless of current or historical substance use. 

 Thursdays 10-11 am at the Taylor Center 358 NE Marshall Ave, Bend OR 97701 

Safely throw out your needles

Do you have syringes to dispose of and can't make it to an HRP/syringe exchange event? Please use the County’s safe, private, and free drop boxes!

East Bend: Deschutes County Health Services Building, 2577 NE Courtney Drive (parking lot)
West Bend: Deschutes Services Building, 1300 NW Wall Street (parking lot)
Redmond:  Behavioral Health Building, 406 West Antler Ave

If you have additional medical waste,  please refer to the County’s website for information regarding hazardous waste disposal. The Knott Landfill in Bend will take puncture proof containers for free.

If you have found syringes in the community and would like the HRP team to pick them up, please call or text 541-668-1562.