System of Care

System of Care in Deschutes County

System of Care is a philosophy based on cross system collaboration that supports children, youth, young adults and their families who have complex and significant mental health needs. Agencies, families and youth come together to work collaboratively on committees to improve the system that serves children, youth and young adults.

The Committees Include: 

  • Executive Committee: Develops and approves policies, shared decision-making regarding funding and resource development, and identifies unmet needs in the community to expand the service array.
  • Advisory/Steering Committee known as Collaborative Youth Action Alliance (CYAA) in Deschutes County: Advises policy development, financing implementation, reviews fidelity, and outcomes, and addresses system barriers submitted by the Practice group.
  • Practice Level Work Group: Filters and analyzes barriers submitted from professionals and consumers. Addresses practice barriers and refers system barriers to the Advisory Council. 

Some Core Activities of the Committees Include: 

  • Advising on agency processes and procedures to ensure they align with the needs of children, youth, young adults and their families.
  • Addressing  local  system issues and barriers
  • Soliciting feedback from stakeholders, families, consumers on system of care needs.
  • Communicating progress to the community

Our Vision 

The vision is to create an array of services and supports for children, youth and young adults in Deschutes County that are youth and family driven, community-based, and culturally and linguistically responsive.


Family and youth participation in the System of Care is critical. If you are interested in participating in one of the System of Care Committees:

 Talk to Us - Please share your ideas or suggestions 


Are you a young person, family member, caregiver or provider with experience in the System of Care?  We need your voice. There are lots of ways to get involved.

Consider joining the Deschutes County System of Care.

System of Care Members Community Partners

Resources for Youth & Families