Early Childhood Wellness
This webpage serves as the community's "one-stop" online resource for early childhood wellness information.
Healthy Pregnancies + Early Childhood Wellness = A Prosperous Central Oregon
Wellness in young children means they have their needs met and they are reaching their physical, emotional, social, behavioral and cognitive (thinking) potential. Early childhood wellness launches a lifetime of learning, success, and productive citizenship.
Maternal Depression and Anxiety
In Oregon, one in four new moms feels depressed or anxious during and after pregnancy. In many cases, feelings of sadness will go away within a few weeks. In some cases, treatment is needed.
If you are experiencing sadness or stress and are pregnant or have recently had a baby, it's important to know that you are not to blame and there is help available.
In an emergency:
Call the Central Oregon Crisis Line at (866) 638-7103.
For a non emergency:
Call the Postpartum Support International local "warm line" at (541) 728-3427. They will help link you to community resources and support.
Learn more:
The Maternal Mental Health Initiative is working to strengthen screening, referral, support, and treatment services in Central Oregon.
Take Action
Print the Early Childhood Wellness Coloring Book
Enjoy reading and coloring with a child while learning about early childhood wellness. See link for the interactive coloring book (in English and Spanish), provided in the Supporting Documents list below.
Attend Parenting Classes
Parenting classes are offered throughout the year in many locations in Deschutes County. Check with the Family Resource Center of Central Oregon to sign up for the next scheduled class.
Learn More about Maternal Mental Health
Oregon Health Authority - Maternal Mental Health

Did you know your baby can catch a cavity?
Dental cavities are caused by bacteria that is passed from person-to-person through saliva. Babies can
get this bacteria from their parents and caregivers. If untreated, it may lead to cavities and poor oral health
throughout the baby's lifetime. This can be prevented through good oral hygiene and an annual dental
exam. That goes for pregnant women and babies before their first birthday!
For more information, please visit

"Keep Kids Safe" License plates
Watch a public service announcement online at: