Pregnancy and Parenting - Family Support Services (FSS)

We believe all families can thrive and deserve equitable access to support services & healthcare in their community.
We value: Therapeutic Relationships, Evidence-based/Informed Care, & Community Partnership.
New Program: Family Connects - Click here for more information

Nurse Family Support Services (NFSS)
Specialized nursing care for high-risk pregnant individuals
Skilled teaching to support successful breastfeeding
Coordination and follow up support for families with young children
Our programs include Babies First!, CaCoon, Family Connects Central Oregon, and Nurse-Family Partnership
See our Program Information page for more details, or our Referral Information page to get services.

Perinatal Care Coordination (PCC)
Access and enrollment into available programs and resources for pregnant and postpartum individuals.
• Medical Insurance • Nutrition Resources •
• Medical & Dental Care Coordination • And much more……….
Contact us at 541-322-7448 or see our Program Information page for more details, or our Referral Information page to get services.

Our Behavioral Health Partner: Perinatal Mental Health (PMH)
Did you know?
1 in 7 moms and 1 in 10 dads suffer from postpartum depression
- Mild mood changes during or after the birth of a child is common and up to 20% of women experience more significant symptoms of depression and anxiety
The Perinatal Mental Health Team at DCBH provides specialty mental healthcare to moms and their partners during the time before and after babies are born. Our team includes Certified Perinatal Mental Health Therapists, case managers, and peers with training and experience to support the unique needs of moms and their partners.
This is not your fault. You are not alone. With help, you will be well.
We would love to talk with you. Call us at 541-322-7500 and ask for a perinatal mental health screening or talk to the perinatal care coordinator at your OB office for a referral.