Exposed to Someone Who Tested Positive for COVID-19?
Exposed to Someone Who Tested Positive for COVID-19 (Quarantine)
If you:
Have been boosted OR
Completed 2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months OR
Completed the J&J vaccine within the last 2 months
Wear a mask around others for 10 days, even within your household and get a test on day 5 if possible.
If you:
Have had 2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 6 months ago and are not boosted OR
Had 1 shot of J&J over 2 months ago and are not boosted OR
Are unvaccinated
Stay at home for 5 days
After that, continue to wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days, even within your household and
Test on day 5 if possible
Based on the guidance for exposed people listed above, we have also determined the quarantine period for any close contacts you may have had during your contagious period. The dates extend from their last exposure to you.
Close contacts are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 even if they do not have symptoms. Click here to find a testing site near you.
Who counts as a close contact?
- You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more
- You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
- You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)
- You shared eating or drinking utensils
- Someone with COVID-19 sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you