247-22-000436-ZC, 247-22-000443-PA; Destiny Court Properties, LLC - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zone Change, & PUD

Location Map Destiny Court LLC PA/ZC

Proposal Summary

The Applicant’s requests include:

  1. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of Tax Lot 100 from Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA);
  2. A Zone Change to rezone Tax Lot 100 from Exclusive Farm Use – Tumalo/Redmond/Bend subzone (EFU-TRB) to Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA-10); 
  3. A Conditional Use request and Tentative Plan review for a 14-Lot Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD); and
  4. Modifications of Applications to incorporate a Property Line Adjustment.


Property 1: 19975 DESTINY CT, BEND, OR 97703 / Map and Taxlot: 1712070000100
Property 2: 19995 DESTINY CT, BEND, OR 97703 / Map and Taxlot: 171208B006201

Proposal Status

The County will be reviewing the applications separately as described below:

  1. The County will review the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change request.
  2. The County will review the Conditional Use request and Tentative Plan for a 14-Lot Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD). Note: A separate website will be set-up for this review.

The first public hearing for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change request was held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. A recording of the hearing can be viewed here. On April 26, 2024, the Hearings Officer recommended approval of the Plan Amendment and Zone Change request. A second hearing before the Board of County Commissioners is scheduled for July 24, 2024. You can access the agenda for that meeting date by going to the Public Meeting Portal here. The agenda will also specify the expected start time for the public hearing.

Staff Contact

Anthony Raguine, Principal Planner
Email: anthony.raguine@deschutes.org
Phone: (541) 617-4739