247-25-000035-TA; Sunriver Community Limited District Text Amendment
Proposal Summary
The Applicant requests approval of a text amendment of the Deschutes County Code (DCC) Section 18.108.140, Sunriver Community Limited (CL) District, to add the following new use as a use permitted outright:
For any structure existing as of [EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE] that is located partially in the CL District and partially in the RE District, any use permitted in the RE District is also permitted in the portion of the structure in the CL District.
The applicability of the proposed amendment is limited to the properties listed below.
Address 1: 17400 DESCHUTES RD, SUNRIVER, OR 97707 / Map and Taxlot 1: 1911310000300
Address 2: Unassigned / Map and Taxlot 2: 2011060000500
Proposal Status
The County is reviewing the submitted application materials and a hearing date is TBD.
Staff Contact
Caroline House, Senior Planner
Email: Caroline.House@deschutes.org
Phone: (541) 388-6667