247-23-000614-CU, 247-23-000615-SP; Psilocybin Service Center at Juniper Preserve

Location Map 247-23-614-CU

Proposal Summary

A land use proposal to establish a psilocybin service center within the Juniper Preserve Destination Resort.


23050 NICKLAUS DR, BEND, OR 97701

Proposal Status

A land use application was received on 8/8/2023 and was deemed complete on 1/26/2024. A public hearing before a Hearings Officer was conducted on 3/12/2024, and a recording of the public hearing can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGlIyFTkTUg

A Hearings Officer Decision denying the application was mailed on 4/29/202 and this decision was appealed by the applicant. A hearing was held before the Board of County Commissioners on 7/17/24. The Board voted to hear this appeal limited de novo, which means testimony must be directed at the issue areas that the application was denied based on.

This application is currently in an open record period following the Board hearing. New evidence can be submitted by 4:00 pm on July 24th, rebuttal testimony can be submitted up until 4:00 pm on July 31st, and the applicant's final legal argument is due by August 7th. Please send all written comments to the staff contact listed below. 

Staff Contact

Audrey Stuart, Associate Planner
(541) 388-6679