247-25-000078-TA Temporary Hardship Dwelling Text Amendment

Background and Project Purpose

This is a legislative text amendment to Deschutes County Code (DCCD), Title 18, County Zoning. The primary purpose of the amendment is to conform local requirements with state law and provide consistency for the review of hardship dwellings across multiple county zones. Notable changes include:

  • Reorganized content for readability;
  • Amended outdated references;
  • Clarified hardship dwelling can be used for the “aged” as well as the “infirmed”;
  • Clarified “existing building” definition for the purpose of the section;
  • Clarified hardship dwelling can be the only second dwelling on the property;
  • Amended renewal requirement from every one year to two years;
  • Listed the use in all permissible zones for readability.

Beginning in 1979, Deschutes County has allowed property owners to obtain a temporary use permit for a secondary dwelling on a rural property, with the intent the dwelling would be used for a relative to provide or receive care for a resident with a medical condition. This would allow for the property owner or current resident of the property to maintain independence and continue to live on a rural property while also receiving necessary medical attention. Recreational Vehicles (RVs), manufactured homes, or existing buildings are eligible to be used as the hardship dwelling.

The current requirements for hardship dwellings were drafted in 2008. Since that time, the state has undergone rulemaking for this use in farm and forest (resource) zones. To staff’s understanding, there are no explicit state requirements for regulation of the use in non-resource zones. The purpose of this proposal is to amend the code for greater consistency with state rules and statutes and to establish a consistent review process for hardship dwelling applications across all County zones in which the use is permitted.

Proposal Status & Public Hearing Information

A work session was held before the Planning Commission on February 27, 2025. You can view the discussion at this link: https://www.deschutes.org/bc-pc/page/planning-commission-62

The first public hearing to review the proposed amendments will be held before the Deschutes County Planning Commission on Thursday, March 13, 2025. Testimony can be provided in person in the Barnes and Sawyer Rooms, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR or virtually via zoom at https://bit.ly/dcpczoom

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Staff Contact

Nicole Mardell, Senior Planner
(541) 317-3157