Hearings Officer Hearings
The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property from Agricultural (AG) to Redmond Urban Growth Area (RUGA) and a corresponding Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansion. The applicant also requests a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Urban Holding (UH-10). The applicant has also submitted a concurrent Minor Partition (File No. 247-23-000545-MP) to divide a ±1,637-acre property into three (3) parcels. One parcel will create a ±300-acre parcel for the CORE3 site, one will remain within the Redmond Urban Reserve Area and Deschutes County, and the third will remain within the Redmond UGB.
The Applicant requests approval for a farm dwelling on a property identified on Assessor's Map 14-13-17, as Tax Lot 900 and a property line adjustment.
LocationFarm Dwelling Request:
- 8800 NW 31ST ST, TERREBONNE, OR 97760 / 1413170000900
Property Line Adjustment Request:
The applicant requests a Plan Amendment (PA) to change the designation of the Subject Property from Surface Mine (SM) and Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a Zone Change (ZC) to change the zone of the Subject Property from Surface Mining (SM) and Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Multiple Use Agricultural (MUA10).
The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property (279 Acres) from Agricultural (AG) and Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use – Tumalo/ Redmond/ Bend subzone (EFU-TRB) & Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential (RR10).
The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property from Forest to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) and a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Forest Use 2 (F2) to Multiple-Use Agricultural (MUA). The total area subject to the request is 58 acres.