247-24-000404-PA, 405-ZC; Bend Park and Recreation District (BPRD) - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change

Location Map for 247-24-404-PA and 247-24-405-ZC

Proposal Summary

The applicant requests approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the designation of the subject property (279 Acres) from Agricultural (AG) and Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA). The applicant also requests a corresponding Zone Change to rezone the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use – Tumalo/ Redmond/ Bend subzone (EFU-TRB) & Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential (RR10).


60725 Arnold Marker Road, Bend, OR 97701, Tax Lot 200 on Assessor’s Map 18-12-23

Proposal Status

Staff is reviewing the subject application and receiving comments from agencies and the public. A public hearing is scheduled for November 12, 2024. A Notice of Public Hearing will be sent in advance of the hearing to parties of interest and surrounding properties in accordance with Deschutes County’s procedures ordinance.

Staff Contact

Nathaniel Miller, Associate Planner