Clear & Objective Housing Code Update Project
Project Purpose
The purpose of the Clear and Objective Code Project is to ensure that the Deschutes County Code (DCC) complies with and implements certain Oregon state laws and legislation. Specifically, the project will focus on implementing House Bill 3197 (HB 3197) which requires the County to adopt clear and objective standards related to housing development on land within an urban growth boundary but outside of city limits, in unincorporated communities designated in the County’s Comprehensive Plan, and area zoned for rural residential development. Those state requirements, which update Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 197A.400, take effect July 2025. The goal of the project is to have updated standards in place when the law takes effect.
This project is a technical project not intended to change County policy. County staff, in with support from consultants at MIG, will develop Code amendments to ensure the County’s zoning and subdivision ordinances related to housing are clear and objective, and are consistent with applicable state statutes, rules, and guidelines that aim to facilitate housing production, affordability, and choice.
The Clear and Objective Code Project is funded in part by a grant from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) as part of its Housing Planning Assistance Program.
Project Milestones
The Clear and Objective Code project will update the Deschutes County Code in three phases before the adoption process is expected to begin in 2025. Click on the file below to see a larger version of the project schedule.
1. Draft Code Revisions: After an audit of the existing code, the County and consultant team will collaborate to propose changes to the County Code, consistent with the project objectives.
2. Public Review of Proposed Code Revisions: Deschutes County community members and other interested parties will have the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed amendments to the code.
3. ESEE Analysis: The proposed code amendments related to natural resource overlay zones will be evaluated for potential economic, social, environmental, and energy (ESEE) impacts of modifying the regulations. This analysis is a required component of the County’s compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 5, which regulates the protection of natural resources such as wetlands and wildlife habitat.
4. Adoption Process: Proposed code amendments will be reviewed by the Deschutes County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The amendments are intended to be adopted by the BCC by the end of June 2025.
Opportunities to Participate
This project is technical rather than policy oriented and is intended to respond directly to requirements from the state. Due to the nature of the project, engagement activities will be focused on reviewing draft code. There will be various opportunities for community members and other interested parties to review draft materials and provide feedback on the project:
Join the project email list to receive periodic updates. Click here to subscribe to email updates.
Review draft code amendments – Initial drafts will be released for public review in Fall 2024.
Attend Planning Commission or Board of County Commissioners work sessions. These bodies will be briefed throughout the project.
Provide testimony at Planning Commission or Board of County Commissioners adoption hearings in early 2025.
Staff Contact
Long Range Planning Team