247-24-000710-PA/737-ZC 2024 Greater Sage-Grouse Map Updates
In 2015, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted OAR 660-23-0115, establishing protections for Greater Sage-Grouse in seven eastern Oregon counties including Deschutes County. To avoid listing the species as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, LCDC created regulations for large-scale development in mapped habitat areas. Deschutes County is required by state law to administer these regulations.
In December 2023, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife adopted revised maps delineating important habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse in Oregon. These maps continue the effort, begun in 2015, to protect the Greater Sage-Grouse in Oregon and avoid listing the species as endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act. The revised maps amend the maps adopted in 2015 and reflect both changes in the location and distribution of Greater Sage Grouse in Oregon that have occurred since 2015. The revisions are the result of better information about the location and distribution of Greater Sage Grouse within the species’ habitat. The maps designate areas of core, low density, and general habitat for the species. Deschutes County staff has analyzed the maps, and it appears there will no longer be a "general habitat" area in Deschutes County.
The state’s rules limit the total amount of development within core habitat areas to no more than three percent of the total area of each core habitat region. Seven affected counties in Oregon have submitted annual reports to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) since 2015 regarding development approved within core habitat areas. To date, there have been no significant amounts of development within the core habitat areas that would lead to limitations or restrictions in these areas.
On Monday, October 21, 2024, CDD staff received notice of an LCDC public hearing on January 23, 2025, to consider the new maps. Measure 56 notice was sent to property owners with this hearing information. On January 23, 2025, LCDC voted to adopt the updated habitat maps.
More information on the state process can be found here:
- Click on the “Sage Grouse Significant Habitat Map Amendment” box halfway down the page to view the entire package of updates: https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/lar/pages/rulemaking.aspx
- See pages 6-7 below for how to participate in the LCDC hearing. The hearing appears to be scheduled for 9:30 am.https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/Commission/Documents/202501_Agenda_Final.pdf
- The staff report for the LCDC hearing from Jon Jinings is found here: https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/Commission/Documents/2025-01_Item_3_SageGrouse_Combined.pdf
Deschutes County Hearing Information
The state sage-grouse maps have been adopted and are now effective. Deschutes County will need to integrate the new map information into the County's local Greater Sage-Grouse Combining Zone map. The file number associated with this project is 247-24-000710-PA/737-ZC
Please note: now that the maps are adopted by LCDC, Deschutes County cannot alter or amend them.
The hearing on this item was held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, during the Board of County Commissioner's regularly scheduled meeting. The Board closed the hearing, deliberated, and voted to adopt Ordinance 2025-001 by emergency. The new maps are now effective as of February 5, 2025.
For local questions, please contact Nicole Mardell, Senior Planner at Nicole.Mardell@deschutes.org or at 541-317-3157.