Westside Transect Zone

The Board of County Commissioners has approved an applicant-initiated comprehensive plan and zoning text amendment, as well as zone change of approximately 700 acres of land from Urban Area Reserve and Surface Mine to the new "Westside Transect Zone." The new zone will include residential subdivisions that are required to have dedicated open space and resource management corridors with funded and enforceable provisions for the management of wildlife habitat and wildfire prevention mitigation plans.
The new zone became official on April 16, 2019. For more information, please contact Zechariah Heck at 541-385-1704 or zechariah.heck@deschutes.org.
Documents related to the WTZ, including the adopting ordinance, can be downloaded below.
- Westside Transect Zone Adopting Ordinance (Document No. 2019-001)
- Hearings Officer Recommendation
- Westside Transect Zone Staff Report
- Westside Transect Zone Application - Burden of Proof
- Westside Transect Zone Application - Exhibits 1-20
- Westside Transect Zone Application - Goal Exceptions Exhibits 21-28