247-23-000644-PA Deschutes County 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Hearing Page

Deschutes 2040 Cover

Proposal Summary

Deschutes County has initiated an update to its Comprehensive Plan. This update, Deschutes County 2040, will provide overarching policy guidance on land use and planning related issues for the years 2020-2040. The document applies to areas under County planning jurisdiction, excluding cities and federally owned land. Topics covered include housing, recreation, jobs, natural hazards, community engagement, farm and forest lands, historic and cultural resources, and natural resources. The update does not include any changes to community plans, the transportation system plan, or the County's Goal 5 natural resource inventories.

To view the revised March 15, 2024 Deschutes County 2040 Document, click on "BOCC Hearing - Applicant Submittals" tab below.


Staff has conducted extensive community outreach, beginning in summer of 2022. Resources and information were previously uploaded to the project process page found below. Now that the project has entered the hearing phase, new information will be uploaded to this page starting on August 30, 2023, to ensure it is captured in the official hearing record. Please continue to visit this page as the official hearing record.

Project Status

A draft of the updated Comprehensive Plan was released for public review on August 30, 2023. The Planning Commission held public hearings on this matter on October 26, November 9, and December 14 and ultimately voted to approve the plan with revisions on February 22, 2024. The revisions and updated draft can be found under the "BOCC Hearing - Applicant Submittals" tab below.

The Board of County Commissioners held public hearings in the following locations:

  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 9:20 am, Barnes and Sawyer Room, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend. 
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 3 pm, Sunriver SHARC - Dillon Room, 57250 Overlook Rd, Sunriver.
  • Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 3 pm, Sisters City Hall, 520 E Cascade Ave, Sisters.
  • Wednesday, May 8, 2024 5:30 pm, Barnes and Sawyer Room, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend. 

The written record closed on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 4 pm. The Board will begin deliberations to consider revisions to the document in late July.

Staff Contact

Questions or written testimony to be included in the public record may be submitted in writing to:

Nicole Mardell, AICP, Senior Planner
Email: nicole.mardell@deschutes.org
Phone: 541-317-3157


Related Project Webpages

Deschutes 2040 - Process Page

Click here to visit the Deschutes County 2040 process page. Materials were uploaded to this website during the community outreach phases of the project (Summer 2022-August 28, 2023). The process page is not considered a formal record. 

The formal record is found below: